What Made Harley Davidson a Household Name?

When you hear the words ”Harley Davidson”, the image of tough men in big bikes would most likely to come to mind. Harley Davidson motorcycles have been celebrated as a symbol of masculinity for over a century. You have probably considered getting one from a dealership, too. But what makes these motorcycles so beloved?


  • The First There Was: Arthur Davidson and William Harley were the creators of the widely popular motorcycle brand. They were among the first to manufacture a motorized bicycle consisting of an engine fitted on a bicycle frame. The two continued to refine their invention, culminating into the first iteration of all their company’s subsequent motorcycles.


  • Red, White, and Blue: As an iconic symbol of manliness, Harley Davidson also represents the American virtues of strength, reliability, and freedom. It is is the longest-running motorcycle brand in the United States, and is also one of the leading brands even in today’s market.


  • Voice of a Generation: These motorcycles are most beloved among the Baby Boomer generation during the 70s and 80s, which was the era when Harley Davidson evolved from a struggling motorcycle company into a cultural phenomenon. Its popularity was such that even people who didn’t own a Harley Davidson still bought related merchandise.


It’s hard to point out a single factor that makes Harley Davidson cool, but one thing is certain: the motorcycles are here to stay. Contact your local motorcycle dealer and get started with your Harley Davidson experience.

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